Why your solution implementation went wrong

solution implementation missing piece

What makes a solution implementation project fail? It’s because poor execution is the downfall of any strategy and solution implementation. This is not a foreign concept with any business. Whether on a ground level or with higher management, we have all seen the effects of having the wrong people implementing the right plan. For this reason, you need to pay more attention on who is helping you solve your business challenges instead of what will help you solve your problems.

So, who should you trust with your business?

How to choose the right solution implementation partner

Find an implementation partner, not just a team

Poorly executed projects are expensive. That’s because an inexperienced team is more likely to make mistakes and take longer than expected to complete the job. This leaves a business with a higher bill than initially planned and in some cases, a completely failed project. Prioritise quality delivery from a solutions provider by checking their:

  • Certification
  • Experience
  • Capabilities

Bigger isn’t always better

When looking for solutions, it’s almost second nature to start looking at the biggest names in that industry first. However, these big names usually come with a big price as well. This may work out fine for businesses operating at an extremely large scale, but it may not be what your business needs. There are reputable business solution companies, like Consnet, that offer you the same business solutions as the biggest companies, but with the extra time, support, and expertise it needs to be successful.  

Think about your business’s future

When you invest in a system that will handle any of your business functions/processes, choose a system with your future in mind. Some solutions don’t work long term and for that reason, you should look at where you want your business to go and if that solution can take you there. Ask questions and do your own research before settling on a solution. In addition to that, stay open-minded when researching solutions. You might find that solving many problems with one solution, once-off, costs you less than solving them on at a time with different solutions.

Questions to ask before choosing a solution implementation partner:

  • What are your business goals and objectives?
  • How is your business currently running?
  • What business challenge(s) do you want to solve?
  • Who do you need as an implementation partner/ what do you need in an implementation partner?
  • What’s your budget and timeline range?