The best way to reach target markets effectively is to truly understand who they are. Customized customer engagement is achieved with a 360-degree view of every customer, which leads to better user experiences and increased conversions. With the aim of gaining this kind of understanding about customers, Massbuild afforded Consnet with the opportunity to implement the SAP Hybris Marketing application for Builders Warehouse.


Having worked with an external marketing agency previously, Massbuild incurred large costs in campaign planning, management and implementation. Spur of the moment campaigns were virtually impossible. The process involved constant back and forth between the company and the agency. Approvals, edits, more approvals, more edits –which resulted in direct marketing being an arduous process.
Along with this, Massbuild was unable to easily access information and analytics easily thus having limited knowledge of specific data relating to opt in’s and opt outs from digital-marketing campaigns sent to customers or customer behaviour.

Determined to go-live by Black Friday 2018, Consnet aimed to increase awareness and encourage engagement among Massbuild customers by implementing SAP Hybris Cloud Marketing.
Expertise, knowledge and determination is what afforded Consnet the opportunity to undertake this project. By ensuring that the transition for Massbuild would be a smooth one, Consnet involved Massbuild’s digital marketing team in every step of the way thus making change management easier for the company.

The cloud-based application introduces Massbuild to a digital marketing platform that is faster, increases sales volume, encourages repeat purchases and increases in store traffic.
Massbuild’s SAP Hybris Marketing platform went live on November 8th 2018, after a 3-month implementation process, and has since sent over 30 million emails to customers.
The multi-channel campaigns, user-friendly analytics and segmentation tools used to analyze customer data has allowed Massbuild to conduct digital marketing activities easily. Thousands of emails are sent to customers within minutes i.e. Massbuild sends over 250’000 emails daily to customers in only 6-9 minutes. The speed of the software is incredible as campaigns can be scheduled in advance to be sent on time and within minutes.

On November 23rd, Black Friday 2018, Massbuild released a campaign to all Builders Warehouse customers which included a mailer that showcased all the specials available for the day.
Using SAP Hybris Marketing, Consnet was then able to segment the target market and resend a reminder email to all customers who had not opened the email. Based on this, “reminder email”, Builders Warehouse experienced an increase of over 10,000 members who, thereafter, opened the email.

Feedback generated from customers is essential in providing individual customer engagement to mass audiences. Now, thanks to SAP Hybris Marketing, Massbuild marketers are able to monitor campaigns in real-time. By a click of a button, Massbuild can now collect analytics of specific campaigns and conduct market research internally.
Opt-out options available to customers really do work thus assisting the Massbuild marketing team in identifying which campaign activities are more effective than others. The information sent to customers is unified based on the interests of each customer, thereby decreasing the number of opt-outs among receivers.
Within 3 months after going live, Massbuild has experienced an increase in engagement in excess of what was expected, achieving more than double the engagement from when the agency had been managing the system. The application can be used for target audience identification which makes it easy to identify intent, discover hidden trends and deliver contextual customer experiences. Massbuild marketers are now empowered with an application that allows for constant engagement with customers. Customized, dynamic, fast, easy and user-friendly – SAP Hybris Marketing is ideal for all digital marketing activities.
This is Consnet’s first opportunity to showcase our expertise and skills to Massbuild. We are pleased to have partnered with Massbuild and we are very proud of this engagement.
Dion Kalicharan | Managing Director | Consnet