Consnet has extensive customer development experience. In addition, we have developed the Consnet Digital Platform (CDP). CDP for ERP integration via a microservices platform that we utilise to develop rapid solutions for unique customer requirements.
Furthermore, the platform provides for a number of out-of-the-box functions. These which are typically required by customer systems, namely:
Authentication and Authorisation
ERP Integration
Notification Services for Email and SMS
User Management
Registry and Gateway Services
Configuration Services
Calendar and Booking Services
CDP for ERP Integration
CDP the ERP integration tool also known as the ERP Connector allows for easy integration into your backend ERP system/s and your eCommerce platform. Thus, it can work with multiple platforms, including SAP, Magento, etc. In order words, this will enable data transfer from your ERP system to your eCommerce solution via Consnet Digital Platform (The ERP Connector), which is based on the above microservices architecture.
A pre-built integration that delivers value fast !
Core data objects can be synchronised
Ideally, core data objects such as customers, products, pricing and orders are passed between ERP and eCommerce via CDP.
Deploy and Configure vs Build
Similarly, save on implementation cost and time. In fact, by deploying and configuring integration functionality instead of building it from scratch.
CDP Microservices
In addition, the CDP microservices layer enables authenticated data transfer, validation and transformation of data from source to target.
Adapters with pre-built functionality
Hence, adapters are deployed on both eCommerce and ERP system. Therefore, allowing seamless integration to Consnet Digital Platform.
Monitoring and logging
CDP monitors and logs the data traffic.
ERP integrated with eCommerce
Furthermore, move to an ERP system that is integrated to eCommerce quickly by leveraging off CDP and pre-built integration.
As a matter of fact, we offer you seamless ERP integration into all your business systems. Thus, allowing a bidirectional flow of information between your ERP System and your eCommerce platform. Therefore, allowing your business can reach a higher level of efficiency when this data is available across all your other systems.
Want to integrate your systems? Not sure how this will work for you? Contact us, we will show you how